
Bees, equipment

One brand-new hive with bees and basic gear costs about $200. Hive parts tend to be cut to standard measurements that mimic the space bees normally leave between their combs. Constantly reproduce these measurements exactly if you make your own bee hives.

Fundamental Equipment

Bee hive

  1. Hive external cover - provides climate protection.
  2. Inner cover - prevents bees from connecting brush to outer cover and provides insulating dead-air room.
  3. Shallow honey supers - low supers with frames of brush for which bees shop excess honey. This surplus could be the honey this is certainly harvested.
  4. Queen excluder - put between your brood nest therefore the honey supers. This product keeps the queen in the brood nest so brood won't take place in honey supers. An excluder is generally not required if two hive bodies are utilized.
  5. Hive body or brood chamber - big wood box (called a "very") that keeps 10 structures of brush. This room (the brood nest) is set aside the bees to rear brood and shop honey for his or her own usage. Each one or two hive figures can be used for a brood nest. Two hive systems are typical in cool winter areas. Beekeepers in areas with moderate winters successfully use only one hive body.
  6. Bottom board - wooden get up on that the hive rests. Set bottom board on bricks or concrete obstructs maintain it off the bottom.
  7. Hive stand - Supports the hive off the surface to keep hive base dry and insulates hive.

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

Fig. 4

Fig. 5

Fig. 6

Fig. 7

Frames and foundation Wooden frames hold sheets of beeswax or synthetic basis being imprinted with all the forms of hexagonal cells. (Fig. 1).

Cigarette Smoker

a cigarette smoker is considered the most important device for working bees. A smoker calms bees and lowers stinging. Pine straw, grass and burlap make good smoker gas (Fig. 2).

Hive device

If at all possible shaped for spying apart supers and structures (Fig. 3).

Veil and gloves

These protect the head and arms from stings. Once they gain knowledge, many beekeepers would rather work without gloves (Fig. 4).

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